Thursday, January 23, 2014

What's It Matter Anyhow?

"Our opinions become fixed at the point where we stop thinking." ~Ernest Renan

Passion for photography, lover of books (having spent many a late night with them), avid movie-goer/renter/owner, & recipe conjurer (really bad at following recipe directions since I like to 'play' in the kitchen)'s all a piece of who I am.

A wonderful man who embodies love & loyalty is the one who has my heart. He has driven me to be me and given me more support than I probably deserve. He is my best friend.

Somehow my heart beats daily outside of my body. It's trapped in this adorable little being who is witty & clever. With a smile that somehow magically brightens any room & an infectious laugh that constantly escapes his lips, he is my heart. Becoming a mother is one of the most perplexing experiences I've encountered on my journey of life. Being a mother is being red. Children have the uncanny ability to make us go from feeling fury one moment to giggling uncontrollably the next. It's just red - love & anger. Motherhood challenges me in ways I didn't know life could. Simply amazing <3

I am also a daughter, sister, niece, cousin, in-law, friend, a child of God & mostly, I'm just me :)

The day I had a child my world completely changed in ways I didn't know it would. Over a 6 month time span 3.5 years ago I had a baby (my heart), was diagnosed with a chronic illness (that's been fun to adjust to) and my father passed away suddenly (HUGE daddy's girl here) all of which caused me to enter a dark period...the light is coming back. Over this last year I can honestly say I've done more soul searching than I ever dreamed possible, took leaps with faith I didn't know I had & gained a self confidence/worth of just simply being me.

After totally readjusting my life last year, something exciting happened today. I became a legit business (co)-owner. For the past year and a half, a good friend of mine and I have been growing our very own photography business. It's been crazy to watch it get to this day. Officially, official. Excited is probably an understatement. When I got home from filling out the paperwork, it hit me- it was almost a year ago today that I walked away from working for someone else deciding to embark on this new journey of self discovery.

So, what's it matter anyhow? It's easy to get wrapped up in what we are to everyone else and sometimes lose ourselves there. I love a good book, a good movie, a good discussion, a new recipe (or one that's passed the test of time). Having outlets for ourselves & creativity is important to the soul. I'm an honest person (seriously, was told too honest sometimes when I was growing up). Guess I call it like I see & that doesn't always float well. Hoping to create an outlet; somewhere to express opinions, thoughts or ideas. Talk about a good (or bad) book or movie or recipe. (Trust me, if you've read a book or seen a movie or tasted/made a dish that you've got some thoughts on, I want to hear it!)

Expressions. Thoughts. Opinions. All of those 'other' pieces of us that sometimes get forgotten, but that doesn't make them any less important <3 What's it matter anyhow? It matters. It just does.

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